Magic 2012

(Part of ThingFromTheDee's Collection)

(456 total cards collected)

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Most valuable card collected from this set:

Goblin Grenade
$78.00 (foil)

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← From the Vault: Legends Commander →

Acidic Slime
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.07 ($0.99 foil)

Act of Treason
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.13 foil)

Adaptive Automaton
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.80 ($5.38 foil)

Aegis Angel
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.21 ($1.18 foil)

Æther Adept
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($2.34 foil)

Alabaster Mage
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.20 foil)

Alluring Siren
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.25 foil)

Amphin Cutthroat
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.16 foil)

Angelic Destiny
x0 (+1 foils)
$1.57 ($52.68 foil)

Angel's Feather
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.05 ($0.83 foil)

Angel's Mercy
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.42 foil)

Arachnus Spinner
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.04 ($0.25 foil)

Arachnus Web
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.20 foil)

Arbalest Elite
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.40 foil)

Archon of Justice
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.10 ($0.30 foil)

Armored Warhorse
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.59 foil)

Assault Griffin
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.17 foil)

x1 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.42 foil)

Autumn's Veil
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.30 ($10.41 foil)

Aven Fleetwing
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.25 foil)

Azure Mage
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.83 foil)

Belltower Sphinx
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.43 foil)

Benalish Veteran
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.04 foil)

Birds of Paradise
x0 (+1 foils)
$4.50 ($12.86 foil)

Blood Ogre
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.09 foil)

Blood Seeker
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.06 ($4.51 foil)

Bloodlord of Vaasgoth
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.25 ($1.03 foil)

Bloodrage Vampire
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.27 foil)

Bonebreaker Giant
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.23 foil)

Bountiful Harvest
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.24 foil)

Brindle Boar
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.15 foil)

Brink of Disaster
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.25 foil)

Buried Ruin
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.31 ($7.97 foil)

Call to the Grave
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.66 ($4.34 foil)

x1 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.40 foil)

Carnage Wurm
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.07 ($0.50 foil)

Celestial Purge
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.03 ($2.19 foil)

Cemetery Reaper
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.49 ($8.40 foil)

Chandra, the Firebrand
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.99 ($14.83 foil)

Chandra's Outrage
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.20 foil)

Chandra's Phoenix
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.10 ($0.88 foil)

Chasm Drake
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.24 foil)

Child of Night
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.12 foil)

Circle of Flame
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.10 ($0.71 foil)

x1 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.41 foil)

Consume Spirit
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.04 ($1.10 foil)

Coral Merfolk
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.15 foil)

Crimson Mage
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.26 foil)

Crown of Empires
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.56 foil)

Crumbling Colossus
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.22 foil)

Cudgel Troll
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.23 foil)

Dark Favor
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.49 foil)

Day of Judgment
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.88 ($2.67 foil)

x1 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.36 foil)

Demon's Horn
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.10 ($0.72 foil)

x1 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.27 foil)

Devouring Swarm
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.46 foil)

Diabolic Tutor
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.71 ($6.97 foil)

x1 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.37 foil)

x1 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.70 foil)

x1 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.21 foil)

Divine Favor
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.20 foil)

Djinn of Wishes
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.03 ($0.29 foil)

Doom Blade
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.08 ($0.62 foil)

Doubling Chant
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.10 ($1.16 foil)

Dragon's Claw
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.09 ($1.71 foil)

Dragonskull Summit
$1.00 ($8.11 foil)

Drifting Shade
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.17 foil)

Drowned Catacomb
x0 (+1 foils)
$1.50 ($6.96 foil)

Druidic Satchel
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.15 ($1.95 foil)

Dungrove Elder
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.59 ($14.08 foil)

Duskhunter Bat
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.52 foil)

Elite Vanguard
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.64 foil)

Elixir of Immortality
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.25 ($5.42 foil)

Elvish Archdruid
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.30 ($6.64 foil)

Fiery Hellhound
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.24 foil)

x1 (+1 foils)
$0.05 ($0.16 foil)

x1 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.09 foil)

Flameblast Dragon
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.15 ($0.65 foil)

x1 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.44 foil)

x1 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.10 foil)

x1 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.90 foil)

x1 (+1 foils)
$0.12 ($2.33 foil)

Forest (247)
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.03 ($0.17 foil)

Forest (246)
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.04 ($0.31 foil)

Forest (248)
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.04 ($0.24 foil)

Forest (249)
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.08 ($0.93 foil)

Frost Breath
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.25 foil)

Frost Titan
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.25 ($2.81 foil)

Furyborn Hellkite
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.85 ($7.00 foil)

Garruk, Primal Hunter
x0 (+1 foils)
$1.25 ($23.06 foil)

Garruk's Companion
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.65 foil)

Garruk's Horde
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.12 ($0.53 foil)

Giant Spider
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.19 foil)

Gideon Jura
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.22 ($3.18 foil)

Gideon's Avenger
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.39 ($1.93 foil)

Gideon's Lawkeeper
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.85 foil)

Glacial Fortress
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.50 ($2.89 foil)

Gladecover Scout
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.10 ($4.09 foil)

Goblin Arsonist
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.28 foil)

Goblin Bangchuckers
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.06 ($1.18 foil)

Goblin Chieftain
x0 (+1 foils)
$2.75 ($10.77 foil)

Goblin Fireslinger
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.05 ($0.99 foil)

Goblin Grenade
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.43 ($78.00 foil)

Goblin Piker
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.35 foil)

Goblin Tunneler
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.18 foil)

Goblin War Paint
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.35 foil)

Gorehorn Minotaurs
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.20 foil)

Grand Abolisher
x0 (+1 foils)
$7.00 ($32.10 foil)

Grave Titan
x0 (+1 foils)
$1.68 ($15.67 foil)

x1 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.29 foil)

Greater Basilisk
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.10 foil)

x1 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.43 foil)

Griffin Rider
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.15 foil)

Griffin Sentinel
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.05 foil)

Grim Lavamancer
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.16 ($0.59 foil)

Guardians' Pledge
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.14 ($8.23 foil)

Harbor Serpent
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.22 foil)

Hideous Visage
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.21 foil)

Honor of the Pure
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.44 ($7.76 foil)

Hunter's Insight
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.22 ($9.38 foil)

Ice Cage
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.28 foil)

x1 (+1 foils)
$0.04 ($1.27 foil)

Inferno Titan
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.18 ($1.89 foil)

Island (235)
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.03 ($0.46 foil)

Island (234)
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.04 ($1.19 foil)

Island (237)
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.03 ($0.80 foil)

Island (236)
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.04 ($0.66 foil)

Jace, Memory Adept
x0 (+1 foils)
$2.69 ($14.01 foil)

Jace's Archivist
x0 (+1 foils)
$5.00 ($22.03 foil)

Jace's Erasure
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.13 ($4.83 foil)

Jade Mage
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.03 ($1.31 foil)

Kite Shield
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.10 ($1.55 foil)

Kraken's Eye
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.02 ($0.22 foil)

Lava Axe
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.21 foil)

x1 (+1 foils)
$0.19 ($1.63 foil)

x1 (+1 foils)
$0.02 ($3.45 foil)

Lightning Elemental
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.05 foil)

Llanowar Elves
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.15 ($2.97 foil)

Lord of the Unreal
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.46 ($15.05 foil)

x1 (+1 foils)
$0.05 ($0.41 foil)

Lurking Crocodile
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.37 foil)

Mana Leak
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.09 ($0.95 foil)

x0 (+1 foils)
$3.00 ($18.04 foil)

x1 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.74 foil)

Manic Vandal
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.41 foil)

Master Thief
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.04 ($0.70 foil)

Merfolk Looter
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.05 ($0.50 foil)

Merfolk Mesmerist
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.20 foil)

Mesa Enchantress
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.09 ($1.88 foil)

Mighty Leap
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.21 foil)

Mind Control
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.04 ($0.48 foil)

Mind Rot
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.06 foil)

Mind Unbound
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.40 ($1.70 foil)

x1 (+1 foils)
$0.10 ($0.50 foil)

Mountain (243)
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.03 ($0.54 foil)

Mountain (242)
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.73 foil)

Mountain (244)
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.05 ($0.80 foil)

Mountain (245)
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.04 ($0.20 foil)

x1 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.41 foil)

x1 (+1 foils)
$0.10 ($0.99 foil)

Oblivion Ring
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.05 ($0.55 foil)

Onyx Mage
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.49 foil)

x1 (+1 foils)
$0.13 ($0.70 foil)

x1 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.34 foil)

x1 (+1 foils)
$0.05 ($0.95 foil)

Peregrine Griffin
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.50 foil)

Personal Sanctuary
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.10 ($0.44 foil)

Phantasmal Bear
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.44 foil)

Phantasmal Dragon
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.06 ($1.42 foil)

Phantasmal Image
x0 (+1 foils)
$2.50 ($47.59 foil)

Plains (231)
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.04 ($0.52 foil)

Plains (230)
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.02 ($0.76 foil)

Plains (232)
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.03 ($1.19 foil)

Plains (233)
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.03 ($0.49 foil)

x1 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.10 foil)

x1 (+1 foils)
$1.36 ($17.42 foil)

Pride Guardian
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.64 foil)

Primeval Titan
$13.29 ($25.73 foil)

Primordial Hydra
x0 (+1 foils)
$5.00 ($30.20 foil)

Quicksilver Amulet
x0 (+1 foils)
$1.19 ($7.30 foil)

Rampant Growth
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.25 ($4.34 foil)

Reassembling Skeleton
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.09 ($4.78 foil)

x1 (+1 foils)
$0.07 ($0.69 foil)

x1 (+1 foils)
$0.16 ($0.55 foil)

x0 (+1 foils)
$0.99 ($5.06 foil)

Rites of Flourishing
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.68 ($5.94 foil)

Roc Egg
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.04 ($0.59 foil)

Rootbound Crag
x0 (+1 foils)
$1.19 ($6.13 foil)

Royal Assassin
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.39 ($3.06 foil)

Runeclaw Bear
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.49 foil)

Rune-Scarred Demon
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.35 ($2.86 foil)

Rusted Sentinel
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.06 foil)

Sacred Wolf
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.42 foil)

Scepter of Empires
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.06 ($2.40 foil)

x1 (+1 foils)
$0.45 ($5.12 foil)

Sengir Vampire
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.02 ($0.66 foil)

Serra Angel
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.71 foil)

x1 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.46 foil)

Siege Mastodon
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.10 foil)

x0 (+1 foils)
$0.20 ($0.34 foil)

Skywinder Drake
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.21 foil)

Slaughter Cry
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.07 foil)

x1 (+1 foils)
$0.15 ($4.45 foil)

Solemn Simulacrum
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.25 ($6.42 foil)

Sorin Markov
x0 (+1 foils)
$12.00 ($39.61 foil)

Sorin's Thirst
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.57 foil)

Sorin's Vengeance
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.33 ($5.30 foil)

Sphinx of Uthuun
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.05 ($0.36 foil)

Spirit Mantle
x1 (+1 foils)
$1.80 ($18.72 foil)

Stampeding Rhino
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.22 foil)

Stave Off
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.49 foil)

Stingerfling Spider
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.03 ($0.33 foil)

Stonehorn Dignitary
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.10 ($5.01 foil)

Stormblood Berserker
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.17 foil)

Stormfront Pegasus
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.48 foil)

Sun Titan
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.55 ($7.01 foil)

Sundial of the Infinite
x0 (+1 foils)
$8.49 ($16.85 foil)

Sunpetal Grove
x1 (+1 foils)
$1.77 ($4.69 foil)

Sutured Ghoul
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.36 foil)

Swamp (239)
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.05 ($0.63 foil)

Swamp (240)
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.02 ($0.75 foil)

Swamp (238)
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.05 ($0.36 foil)

Swamp (241)
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.72 foil)

Swiftfoot Boots
x1 (+1 foils)
$1.00 ($6.04 foil)

Taste of Blood
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.25 foil)

Tectonic Rift
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.14 foil)

Thran Golem
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.20 foil)

Throne of Empires
x0 (+1 foils)
$0.20 ($2.41 foil)

Time Reversal
x0 (+1 foils)
$1.75 ($5.73 foil)

Timely Reinforcements
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.03 ($0.86 foil)

Titanic Growth
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.41 foil)

Tormented Soul
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.09 ($3.33 foil)

x1 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.15 foil)

Turn to Frog
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.06 ($1.01 foil)

x1 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.49 foil)

Vampire Outcasts
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($1.83 foil)

Vastwood Gorger
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.13 foil)

Vengeful Pharaoh
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.75 ($6.09 foil)

Visions of Beyond
x0 (+1 foils)
$4.50 ($12.04 foil)

Volcanic Dragon
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.23 foil)

Wall of Torches
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.34 foil)

Warpath Ghoul
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.22 foil)

Warstorm Surge
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.45 ($10.34 foil)

x1 (+1 foils)
$1.40 ($12.11 foil)

Wring Flesh
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.22 foil)

Wurm's Tooth
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.04 ($0.27 foil)

Zombie Goliath
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.01 ($0.24 foil)

Zombie Infestation
x1 (+1 foils)
$0.05 ($1.21 foil)
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